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acacia An acacia is a kind of tree that grows in warm areas of the world, especially in parts of Africa and Australia.
affection Affection is a warm feeling of liking or loving someone or something.
almond the hard oval seed of this tree that is like a nut and eaten as food. [1/3 definitions]
anchovy a small fish that is related to the herring and is used for food. Anchovies are found mostly in warm ocean waters.
attached When you are attached to someone or something, it means that they are very important in your life and you have a warm feeling toward them.
avocado An avocado is a fruit that grows in wet and warm places in North America and South America. The skin on the outside is green or almost black. Inside, the fruit is light green or yellow, and there is a large seed. Avocados are not sweet fruits, but many people like their taste.
Bahamas The Bahamas is a country made up of a large group of islands in the Atlantic Ocean. It is near Florida in the United States, and it is also near the country of Cuba in the Caribbean Sea. Many tourists come to the Bahamas because of its beautiful beaches and warm weather.
banana A banana is a long, curved, soft fruit with a thick yellow skin. Bananas grow in bunches on trees in countries where the weather is usually warm and where there is plenty of rain.
Barbados Barbados is an island country in the Caribbean Sea. Many people come to Barbados to enjoy its beautiful, sandy beaches and warm weather. Many people in Barbados make a living by working with tourists, by fishing, or by farming.
barracuda a fish that lives in warm ocean water and has a long body. Barracuda are fierce hunters.
bask to lie in a warm, calm place.
bird an animal with two wings, two feet, and a body covered with feathers. Most birds can fly. Birds are warm-blooded animals with skeletons inside their bodies. Birds lay eggs with hard shells. Robins, eagles, chickens, and ostriches are a few of the many kinds of birds.
blanket A blanket is a large piece of material that you put on a bed. It is often made of wool and keeps you warm at night. [1/3 definitions]
boot A boot is a covering for the foot and part of the leg. Boots can help to keep your feet dry and warm. Boots are usually made of leather or rubber. [1/3 definitions]
brotherhood a warm and close feeling between brothers or between people who feel like they are family. [1/2 definitions]
bundle up to dress in warm, thick clothing.
cacao Cacao is the seed from a certain kind of tree that mainly grows in warm areas of South America, Africa, and Asia. The seed is used in making chocolate and cocoa. The tree that grows the seed is also called cacao.
campfire A campfire is a fire that people make when they are camping. They use the campfire for cooking or for keeping warm as they sit around it.
cane Cane is another word for "sugar cane." Sugar cane is a plant that people can make sugar from. It grows in warm parts of the world. It is a kind of tall grass that has very hard stems. [1/3 definitions]
care When you do not care for something, it means that you do not like it very much. When you care for a person, you like them and have warm feelings towards them. [1/7 definitions]
Celsius When we use the word Celsius, we are talking about a system people can use when they measure temperature. In most countries of the world, people use this system called Celsius. In America, though, people use a system called Fahrenheit. When you see the letter C after a temperature, as in 22° C, the C stands for Celsius. When it is 22 degrees Celsius outside, the weather feels warm but not hot. It's a nice day to go to the park and play. When it is 22 degrees Fahrenheit, it's quite cold, maybe snowing, and you need a warm jacket.