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Children's Dictionary
albatross a very large sea bird found mostly in the Southern Hemisphere. Albatrosses have webbed feet, long narrow wings, and hooked beaks.
auk a sea bird with webbed feet and short wings that lives in colder parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Auks are good at swimming and diving.
duck1 a bird that lives in or near water and has webbed feet for swimming and a large flat bill. [1/2 definitions]
frog1 a small, jumping animal with smooth, moist skin, long back legs, webbed feet, and no tail. Frogs are amphibians; they live in water during the first part of their lives and on land as adults. [1/2 definitions]
gull1 a water bird that has webbed feet, gray and white feathers, and long, pointed wings. They are graceful and powerful in flight.
otter a mammal with brown fur, a long body, short legs, and webbed feet. Otters live in the water where they eat fish, frogs, and other water animals. Different kinds of otters are found in most parts of the world. They live in groups and are very playful. Otters are related to skunks, badgers, and other kinds of weasels.
penguin a large water bird with webbed feet that lives in colder regions of the Southern Hemisphere. Penguins do not fly, but use their wings like flippers for swimming.
platypus a mammal with a wide bill, a long, flat tail, and webbed feet for swimming. Platypuses live near streams in Australia. They are one of only two kinds of mammals that lay eggs. They are sometimes called duck-billed platypuses.
swan a large water bird, usually white, with a very long neck and webbed feet.