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accord Accord is agreement or harmony. If things are in accord, they go well together. If something is in accord with another thing, it follows it. It doesn't go against it. If people are in accord, they agree about something or they have a similar opinion.
acquaintance a person one has met but does not know well. [1/2 definitions]
adequate When something is adequate, it is good enough, or it will work well enough for what is needed. [1/2 definitions]
agree When something fits with something else or goes well with it, we sometimes say the one thing agrees with the other. [1/5 definitions]
all right in a satisfactory but not outstanding way; well enough. [1/4 definitions]
and with; also; along with; as well as. [1/3 definitions]
anthrax an infectious, often fatal disease. Anthrax usually infects sheep or cattle, but can infect humans as well.
appearance Your appearance is how well you dress or how neat you look. [1/3 definitions]
appetite An appetite is the feeling that you want to eat. Sometimes people lose their appetites when they are not feeling well. Sometimes people have an appetite even when they are not really hungry, and sometimes people have no appetite even if their stomach is empty. [1/2 definitions]
appreciate to be well aware of. [1/4 definitions]
approve to show approval or think well of something or someone. [1/3 definitions]
artist An artist is a person who makes art. Artists study and practice to do their art well. They make things like paintings, sculptures, music, or films.
as well "As well" is another way to say "also" or "too." It usually comes at the end of a sentence.
audition An audition is a short performance that someone gives to just a few people to show how well they can act, dance, sing, or play an instrument. When someone does an audition, they hope that the people watching will choose them to be in their play, movie, or something like that. Sometimes people have to give an audition in order to be part of a musical group or to get into a special school. For example, if they want to get into a school of music or dance, they might have to give an audition.
autism Autism is a certain problem with the mind. Autism develops in some children, and in these children it begins to show when they are very young. Autism continues in people even when they become adults, though. When a child has autism, they have problems with language and problems interacting with other people. Some children may seem as if they are not interested in other people at all. Some children with autism have difficulty learning language, and those who learn language well may have difficulty knowing how to use language with other people. They may talk about the same thing all the time, for example.
badly not well; in a bad way. [1/3 definitions]
become to look good with; suit well. [1/3 definitions]
best superlative of "well." [1/6 definitions]
better comparative of "well." [1/11 definitions]
bilingual able to speak two languages well. [1/2 definitions]
blend to go together well. [1/4 definitions]