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absentee a person who is absent from work, school, or other duty.
accomplish When you accomplish something, you finally do something or finish something that you've needed to do. Usually, when you accomplish something, you feel good about it or just feel glad that it's done. Often it takes a lot of work or effort to accomplish something.
achievement something achieved through hard work, courage, or skill. [1/2 definitions]
acquire When you acquire something, you get it. It becomes yours. Acquiring something often takes some kind of work or effort.
activist An activist is a person who fights to make some kind of change in the world or in the place where they work or live. Activists often fight for people's rights or for things like fair treatment and safety.
adaptable abed to be changed in order to serve a different purpose or work in a new way. [1/2 definitions]
adequate When something is adequate, it is good enough, or it will work well enough for what is needed. [1/2 definitions]
administration Administration is the directing or managing of things. In a school, students study and teachers teach, but there are also people who do administration. These people do the work of running the school. They do all kinds of different things like hiring teachers, disciplining students, making sure that the lights work, making sure that the school is cleaned, and making sure that the school's bills get paid. The principal does a lot of the administration of the school but there are others who take part in it too. [2 definitions]
advance money paid before work is finished. [1/8 definitions]
advertise When you advertise for something, it means you are looking for a certain thing and you put up a notice somewhere, like in a newspaper or online list. In the notice, you tell people you are looking for this thing. Sometimes people advertise for things they want to buy from other people. Sometimes they advertise for a certain kind of person who they can pay to do some work for them. Let's say you want to buy a good but cheap bicycle, you could advertise for one in the newspaper. If somebody has one they want to sell, they will answer your notice. [1/3 definitions]
advertising If someone does advertising, they create advertisements. An advertisement is a notice that tells people about things they can buy or things that are happening. You can see advertisements on TV or hear them on the radio. Sometimes you see them online. Advertising is also a business and a type of job. Some people do advertising for a living. They write advertisements or work to get them out to the public.
aerobic able to work the heart and lungs to help the body use oxygen better.
aerobics When people talk about aerobics, they are talking about ways of doing exercise that make the heart and lungs work a little bit hard. This working of the heart and lungs helps the body use oxygen better. Running, swimming, biking, and dancing are some forms of aerobics.
agency An agency is a company or group that helps people do things, especially things that can be difficult to do just by themselves. Agencies do things like help people find a job or help people find an apartment or buy a house. Some agencies help companies find employees to work for them. Some agencies do a special kind of work that customers don't have the skill to do themselves. [1/2 definitions]
agitation Agitation is a kind of tool that some people use to cause change, usually in a place where people work or in society in general. Agitation is the stirring up of strong feelings in people with the purpose of making them upset about their treatment or condition and wanting change. Sometimes this leads to protests or even violent behavior. [1/3 definitions]
agriculture the science and work of raising crops and farm animals; farming.
alliance a group of people, countries, or groups that share certain goals and agree to work together.
allow "Allow" sometimes means to give. If your teacher allows you an hour to finish your work, it means that she gives you an hour to do the work. [1/3 definitions]
animator An animator is a person who draws or creates figures that look like they are moving. Cartoons are made by animators. Animators usually do their work for movies or TV shows, and they usually use computers nowadays to help them create the moving figures.
antacid a substance people take to settle an upset stomach. Antacids work by reducing the strength of the acids that cause the upset.
approach to begin to work on; prepare to do. [1/6 definitions]