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Children's Dictionary
all right "okay"; "yes"; "as you wish." [1/4 definitions]
apostrophe1 this mark used in plurals of letters or numbers. An example of this use is "You forgot to cross your t's." [1/3 definitions]
are1 a form of the verb "be" that is present tense and used with the pronouns "you," "we," or "they." It is also used with plural nouns.
associative property in addition and multiplication, the characteristic that allows you to add or multiply a group of numbers in any order and get the same answer. For example, in multiplication, (5 x 2) x 7 is equal to (7 x 2) x 5.
assumption something that is supposed or believed without questioning. For example, if you ask someone whether she is allowed to watch TV during dinner, you have made an assumption that there is a TV in her house. Assumptions are ideas people have that are not based on proven facts. An assumption can be correct or incorrect. [1/2 definitions]
auxiliary verb a verb used with a main verb to complete the main verb's meaning. Some examples of auxiliary verbs are "have" in "I have escaped" and "should" in "You should go."
distributive property in mathematics, a characteristic of numbers that allows you to multiply a group of numbers and get the same answer you would get if you multiplied each member of the group and then combined the answers. For example, 4 x (8 + 1 + 5) is equal to (4 x 8) + (4 x 1) + (4 x 5).
farewell "may you fare well"; "good-bye and good wishes." [1/2 definitions]
for shame! you should feel embarrassed or guilty about your action.
friend a person whom you know well and like and who likes you. [1/2 definitions]
hold on to hold an object for the support or safety of your body or because you do not want to lose it. [1/2 definitions]
honor a privilege that makes you feel proud. [1/8 definitions]
howdy "Hello"; "How are you?"
interrogative having to do with, forming, or being a question. "Why don't you take a walk?" is an example of an interrogative sentence. [1/2 definitions]
interrogative sentence a sentence that asks a question. "Have you read this book?" is an example of an interrogative sentence.
laundrette a British word for a place where you can pay to use washing machines and clothes dryers. "Laundrette" has the same meaning as "laundry" and "Laundromat."
live high on (or off) the hog to live in a way that shows that you spend a lot of money.
no1 used to say that you refuse or that you do not agree with or accept something. [1/4 definitions]
or else or you will be sorry.
person one of three groups of personal pronouns that show who the subject of the verb is. The first person, ("I" or "we") is used for the person who speaks or writes. The second person, ("you") is used for the person who reads or listens. The third person ("he," "she," "it," or "they") is used for the person or thing the speaker is talking about. [1/3 definitions]
please kindly; I beg of you. [1/4 definitions]