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identity A person's identity is who they are according to the law. Things like their name, how tall they are, what color hair they have, and where they live are things that show or prove their identity. [1/2 definitions]
independent When a country is independent, it has its own government, and it is not ruled by another country. When some person is independent according to the law, they are not under the control of another person. They can make legal decisions themselves. [1/2 definitions]
Israel a name for the Jewish people as a whole, according to Jewish scriptures. [1/2 definitions]
judge A judge is a lawyer with a lot of knowledge and experience. A judge is the person who is in control in a court of law. A judge's job is to hear what is presented in the court and make decisions about what is right or wrong according to the law. Sometimes a judge decides if a person is guilty of a crime or not guilty. A judge also decides how people will be punished if they did something wrong. [1/6 definitions]
justice A justice is a judge. A justice decides what is legal or the right way of doing something according to the law. Justices often work with other justices to make legal decisions. [1/3 definitions]
kosher prepared according to Jewish laws of food. [1/2 definitions]
legal Something that is legal is OK according to the law. When it is legal to do something, it means that you are allowed by law to do it. If someone is the legal owner of something, like a car or a house, they are allowed to have it or sell it because the law says they can. The legal owner of something has a special document that proves by law that they own it. [1/2 definitions]
majority the age at which a person becomes an adult according to the law. [1/3 definitions]
migrant an animal that travels according to the seasons from one region to another. [1/3 definitions]
minor A minor is a person who has not reached the legal age of being an adult. The age of being an adult depends on the particular place that a person lives in. In most U.S. states, young people become adults, according to the law, when they become 18 years old, but the legal age for doing certain things might be higher. The legal age for signing a contract might be 21, for example. [1/3 definitions]
model to plan or form according to a model. [1/10 definitions]
natural according to or resulting from human nature. [1/7 definitions]
naturally When something happens naturally, it happens according to the ways of nature and not through a man-made process. [1/4 definitions]
Netherlands a country in northern Europe on the North Sea. According to the constitution, Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. However, the government is located in another city called The Hague. In earlier history, the term "Netherlands" referred to the "Low Countries" of Holland, Luxembourg, and Belgium, which are small, low-lying countries of western Europe located next to the sea.
normal physically healthy; usual according to the laws of nature. [1/4 definitions]
obese If someone is obese, they are carrying too much weight on their bodies according to what doctors believe about weight and health. A person who is called "obese" is heavier than a person who is called "overweight."
obesity Obesity is the condition of being obese. If a person is obese, they weigh too much according to what doctors think is healthy.
observe When you observe the rules of a game, it means that you follow the rules of the game. You play according to them. [1/6 definitions]
o'clock of or according to the clock.
Pandora the first woman, according to Greek mythology. Pandora opened the lid of a box out of curiosity and let all the evils fly out into the world.
parole to free a person from prison according to the rules of parole. [1/2 definitions]