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Children's Dictionary
halt1 a stop or pause in activity. [1/4 definitions]
head start an early start in a race, or an advantage in any other activity.
health care the activity or field of maintaining health, including the prevention and treatment of disease and injury. [1/2 definitions]
hectic marked by hurry, confusion, and too much activity.
helper an assistant in some task or activity.
hobby1 an interest or activity that one does for pleasure in one's spare time.
hour a time of the day connected with certain types of activity. [1/4 definitions]
hub a central location around which activity happens. [1/2 definitions]
hustle fast or busy activity. [1/4 definitions]
ice-skating the activity or sport of moving or dancing over ice wearing ice-skates.
industry the activity of process of turning raw materials into finished products, or a particular business that does this. [1/3 definitions]
intermission a pause or stop between times of activity; recess.
keep up to continue with (some activity). [1/4 definitions]
love a person, activity, or object for which one has great affection or strong liking. [1/5 definitions]
mainstream the main or most common direction or trend of a human activity or movement. [1/2 definitions]
make use of to use or cause to be used; find a purpose or activity for.
marathon any contest or activity that requires great effort over a long period of time. [1/2 definitions]
match2 a person able to equal another in a contest or other activity. [1/6 definitions]
natural a person who is considered to be gifted or just right for a particular activity. [1/7 definitions]
nerd a person who chooses to spend a lot of time doing one activity, often in a technical field such as computers, math, or science.
niche a job or activity that seems just right for a particular person. [1/2 definitions]