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Children's Dictionary
demonstrate to take part in a public activity to show support for or against a cause. [1/4 definitions]
demonstration a rally or other public activity in support of or against a particular cause. [1/2 definitions]
denounce to speak out against. [1/2 definitions]
discriminate to judge or treat someone unfairly because he or she belongs to a particular group or category of people (usually followed by "against"). [1/2 definitions]
earmuff one of a pair of soft pads that are worn over the ears to protect against cold. The two pads are connected by a band that goes over the head.
eddy a small current of water, air, fog, or dust that spins against the main current. [1/2 definitions]
encounter to meet with, or come up against. [1/4 definitions]
exposure a showing or revealing of something, often a thing that is secret, private, or against the law. [1/6 definitions]
FBI the U.S. government agency responsible for investigating crimes against national laws. "FBI" is an abbreviation of "Federal Bureau of Investigation."
fight to battle or struggle against. [2/5 definitions]
flat1 lying pressed against a level surface. [1/12 definitions]
flush2 right next to or up against. [1/2 definitions]
fold1 to bend over upon itself so that one section lies on or against another section. [1/8 definitions]
forgive to give up or let go of anger against. [1/2 definitions]
foul to commit a foul against in a game or sport. [1/11 definitions]
fraud the use of lies or tricks to cheat or take advantage of in a way that is often against the law. [1/2 definitions]
friction the rubbing of objects against each other. [1/3 definitions]
ghetto such an area where people live, not by law, but because they are poor or are discriminated against. [1/2 definitions]
grate2 to rub against a rough surface to make into small pieces. [1/4 definitions]
grease a thick, oily material used on machine parts, such as those in a car engine. Grease lets the parts rub against one another smoothly while the machine is working. [1/4 definitions]
grind to make sharp or smooth by rubbing against. [1/3 definitions]