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Children's Dictionary
bubble to move along while making a sound like that of bubbles breaking. [1/4 definitions]
bump to move along with jerks or jolts. [1/7 definitions]
bus1 a long motor vehicle with many rows of seats used to carry large numbers of people. Buses usually travel along a regular route. [1/3 definitions]
bus stop a place along a bus route where the bus will stop to let people get on or off the bus.
canoe a narrow boat with pointed ends that is moved along by using a paddle. [1/2 definitions]
car a vehicle that runs along rails, such as a railroad car or cable car. [1/3 definitions]
chaperone an adult who goes along with young people in a social situation to make sure they behave properly and are safe.
circulate to move or flow along a closed path or system. [1/2 definitions]
clarinet a woodwind instrument with a reed mouthpiece attached to a long tube with finger holes and keys along its length.
clog to block passage along or through. [1/3 definitions]
coast the region of a country or continent that lies along an ocean. [1/4 definitions]
comb a thin piece of plastic or other material that has teeth along one side. It is used to smooth, arrange, or hold hair in place. [1/5 definitions]
communicate to pass along or carry to another. [1/4 definitions]
conduct to carry or allow passage through or along. [1/5 definitions]
Congo River an important river in the western part of central Africa. The Congo River is the deepest in the world. The river travels through a major rainforest as it flows from Zambia through the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Then it flows along the border with another country called the Republic of the Congo. At its end, the Congo River flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
course the direction or route along which something moves. [1/7 definitions]
crawl to move along, usually slowly, with one's body very close to the ground or other surface; creep. [2/6 definitions]
creep to grow along a surface like a vine or the roots of certain plants. [1/7 definitions]
cuticle the tough, dead skin along the bottom edge and sides of the fingernails and toenails.
dance to jump or skip along in excitement. [1/7 definitions]
dandelion a common plant with bright yellow flowers and leaves with points along the edges. Dandelion leaves can be eaten raw or cooked as vegetables, and wine is sometimes made from the flowers.