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Children's Dictionary
descend to be passed along by inheritance, as from one generation to the next. [1/4 definitions]
dictionary a book, or a source of information found on a computer, that lists the words of a language in alphabetical order, along with information about their meaning, spelling, and pronunciation.
disagreeable grumpy, unpleasant, or difficult to get along with. [1/2 definitions]
do1 to get along. [1/12 definitions]
down1 along; through. [1/13 definitions]
drag to pull along with effort; haul. [1/6 definitions]
dribble to move along in repeated bounces, kicks, or pushes. [1/3 definitions]
drift to be carried along by an outside force, such as wind or water. [1/5 definitions]
driven blown or swept along, as by wind or current. [1/3 definitions]
drove2 a group of animals gathered into a herd or flock and made to move along together. [1/2 definitions]
enclosure something sent in an envelope along with a letter. [1/2 definitions]
en route during the journey; on or along the way.
eyebrow the line of short hairs growing along the ridge of bone above the eye. [1/2 definitions]
fare to get along or be treated. [1/2 definitions]
farm an area of land, along with buildings and equipment, used to grow crops or raise animals for food or clothing. [1/4 definitions]
fife a small wind instrument that looks like a flute and has a high pitch. The fife usually plays along with drums in marching music.
flare to become wider along a length. [1/5 definitions]
flute a woodwind instrument with a high pitch. It is a long tube with finger holes or keys along it and is played by blowing into a hole near one end.
fly1 a strip of material along the edge of a piece of clothing that hides buttons or a zipper. Flies are usually found on the front of pants. [1/9 definitions]
follow to move forward on or along. [1/6 definitions]
forsythia a bush that has bright yellow flowers along its long, thin branches. Forsythias bloom in early spring.