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Children's Dictionary
callous having an area of hard, thick skin; rough and hardened. [1/2 definitions]
callus a thickened, toughened area of skin or other tissue, such as bone or bark.
camp1 an outdoor area where tents or rough shelters are set up to live in or sleep in for a time. [1/5 definitions]
campground an area for camping, such as a park.
campsite the British word for a large area for camping, such as a park. This meaning of "campsite" has the same meaning as "campground." [1/2 definitions]
capsule the area in a spacecraft that holds the crew and instruments. [1/2 definitions]
caravan a band of people traveling together. Caravans are often formed for safety when crossing a remote area like a desert. [1/3 definitions]
catastrophe an event that brings great harm, suffering, or loss to a large area or many people; terrible disaster.
CAT scan an image of an area of the body that is formed from a grouping of x-rays on a computer. CAT scans are used to make a diagnosis in medical treatment. CAT stands for computerized axial tomography.
census an official count of the people who live in a country or other area. A census is also used to collect information about these people, such as their job, age, or sex.
center the area or part of something that forms the middle. [1/7 definitions]
center field in baseball, the center area of the outfield, which extends behind second base.
chute1 a passage down which things may slide in order to be moved from one area to another.
circuit a line or route around an area. [2/4 definitions]
circumference the line that forms the outside edge of a circle or other round figure or area. [1/2 definitions]
coach a person who trains or teaches a student in a special area, such as singing, acting, or a school subject. [1/6 definitions]
cockpit the area from which the pilot and crew control an airplane. [2 definitions]
common (often plural) an area of land that can be used by everybody. [1/4 definitions]
community a particular area where a group of people live. [2/3 definitions]
compartment a part or area of something that is divided off as a section of the whole.
conga a dance from Cuba performed by people following a leader around the dance area in single file. [1/2 definitions]