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Children's Dictionary
hare a small mammal with long ears. Hares are large rabbits with very strong back legs used for jumping. Various kinds of hares live in Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and Central America.
hatchback a kind of car in which a back panel is lifted up to open the rear storage area.
headband a band worn around the head. Headbands are used to hold back the hair or to soak up wetness.
heel1 the rounded, back part of the human foot, or a part like it in an animal. [2/6 definitions]
hem1 an edge of a dress, curtain, or something else made of cloth, when it has been folded back and sewn down. [1/2 definitions]
hind1 at or near the back; rear.
hinder to hold back or stop the progress of.
horseback the back of a horse. [2 definitions]
hump a rounded lump of flesh, as is found on the back of a camel.
hyena a mammal with very long front legs and shorter back legs. Hyenas look like dogs, but are more closely related to cats. They have a cry that sounds like strange human laughter. Most kinds of hyena are nocturnal and eat the remains of dead animals. Hyenas are found in Africa and Asia.
iguana a large lizard found mostly in the warmer parts of Central and South America. Many iguanas have a ridge of spines down the middle of the back. Unlike other lizards, iguanas eat only plants.
in return a paying back or in exchange.
irreversible impossible to reverse, turn back, or change.
jack rabbit a large hare of the western United States. Jack rabbits have long ears and very long, strong back legs.
kangaroo a mammal with long pointed ears, short front legs, and big, powerful back legs. Kangaroos use their large tails for balance when hopping. Kangaroos are marsupials that live in Australia and New Guinea. The females have a pouch in their belly, where they carry their baby for a few months after it is born. Some kinds of kangaroos are as small as rabbits; other kinds are as large as grown humans.
keep to stop or hold back. [1/8 definitions]
kick to move back suddenly and with force. [1/6 definitions]
knapsack a bag worn on the back to carry things. A knapsack is often made of leather, canvas, or nylon.
lapel a front part of a coat or jacket that goes down the chest from the collar and is folded back.
leash to control, hold back, or tie with a leash. [1/2 definitions]
lend to give someone money that must be paid back. Usually there is also a payment of interest. [1/3 definitions]