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back road A back road is a road that avoids traffic and high speed travel. It is often a small, country road that goes through areas with few houses and buildings.
back seat A back seat is the seat or seating area behind other seats, especially in a car.
backstroke the arm motion of a swimmer moving along on his or her back.
backward in the direction of or toward the back. [2/4 definitions]
bacon salted and smoked meat taken from the back and side of the pig.
badger a furry mammal with short legs and a long body. The American badger has a white stripe on its forehead that runs down its back, and it has long dark marks on its face also. Badgers eat worms, rodents, rabbits, and plants. Different kinds of badgers live in Europe, Asia, and North America. They are related to skunks, otters, and other kinds of weasels. [1/2 definitions]
badminton a sport in which players use rackets to hit a small rubber object back and forth across a high net.
bar1 a length of metal or other strong, solid material often used to hold something back, support something, or hold things together. [1/10 definitions]
bareback on the back of a horse or donkey without a saddle.
beetle1 A beetle is an insect that has four wings. The front pair of wings covers the back pair when the beetle is not flying. When you look at a beetle that is resting, it looks like it has a shell, but these are really the beetle's front wings.
behind in or at the back of; on the other side of. [2/7 definitions]
bench A bench is a long seat. Benches are often made of wood, and sometimes they have no back. We often see benches in parks and museums. [1/2 definitions]
bend to lean one's upper body from the waist (often followed by "over", "forward", or "back"). [1/5 definitions]
blade A blade is a certain type of bone in your back. You have two of these "blades." They are usually called "shoulder blades" because you have one on each side of your back just behind your shoulders. [1/5 definitions]
borrow When you borrow something, you take it for a while and promise to give it back.
bounce to spring back or up after hitting something, or to do so several times in a row. [2/4 definitions]
bouncy If something is bouncy, it bounces easily. When something bounces, it springs back after hitting a surface like the ground or a wall. A tennis ball is usually bouncy. A baseball is much less bouncy than a tennis ball. [1/2 definitions]
-bound a suffix that means "held back by" or "kept in." [1/2 definitions]
breathe When you breathe, you bring air into your body through your nose or mouth and then you let air go back out.
bum (informal) to ask for and get, with no plan to pay back or return. [1/3 definitions]
bumper the heavy bar on the front and back of cars and trucks that protects the vehicle from damage if it hits something. [1/2 definitions]