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Children's Dictionary
sacrifice a hit in the game of baseball that lets a player already on base move forward, even though the player hitting the ball is put out. [1/7 definitions]
save1 a move by the goalkeeper that keeps a ball or puck from going into the goal. [1/4 definitions]
serve to hit the ball to begin a point in tennis and other games. [1/11 definitions]
server a person who serves the ball in tennis and other games. [1/2 definitions]
shot1 a small metal ball that is fired from a gun, or a group of such balls. [2/7 definitions]
shot put a sports event in which a heavy metal ball is thrown as far as possible.
single to hit the ball in a baseball or softball game so as to reach first base. [1/8 definitions]
snowball a mass of snow that has been packed together into a ball. Snowballs are used for play or games. [1/2 definitions]
soccer a game in which two teams of eleven players try to move a ball into a goal by kicking or hitting it without using the hands or arms.
soccer ball the round ball used in the game of soccer.
softball a type of baseball played on a smaller field with a larger, softer ball that is pitched underhand. [2 definitions]
spare the knocking down of all pins with two rolls of the ball in bowling. [1/12 definitions]
strike the knocking down of all pins with one roll of the ball in bowling. [1/15 definitions]
table tennis a game like outdoor tennis but played on top of a large table. In table tennis, small, wooden paddles and a small, hollow ball are used.
tag2 to touch, in the game of baseball, with the ball or with the hand or glove holding it. [1/4 definitions]
tennis a game that is played on a court by two or four players. In tennis, a small ball is hit back and forth over a low net using rackets.
tennis ball the small, round ball used in the game of tennis.
touchdown the act of scoring six points in football by catching or carrying the ball behind the opponent's goal line. [1/2 definitions]
triple to hit the ball far enough for the batter to advance to third base in baseball. [1/7 definitions]
volley the act of returning the ball before it touches the ground in sports such as tennis. [2/4 definitions]
volleyball a game in which two teams use their hands to hit a ball back and forth over a high net. Points are scored when the ball hits the ground in the opponent's court. [2 definitions]