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Children's Dictionary
infinitive the simple form of a verb that has no subject and does not show past, present or future tense. It is usually formed by the word "to" followed by the base form of a verb. In the sentence, "I want to leave now," "to leave" is an infinitive.
launch pad the platform or base from which a rocket or missile is launched.
litmus paper a small strip of treated paper used in chemistry. Litmus paper turns red in an acid and blue in a base.
neutral neither an acid nor a base in chemistry. [1/4 definitions]
oil artists' paint that uses oil as its base. [1/3 definitions]
palm1 the inner surface of the hand, between the wrist and the base of the fingers. [1/2 definitions]
pedestal a support or base for a column, statue, or some other object.
post2 a military base. [1/4 definitions]
primrose a plant that grows tube-shaped flowers in many colors. Primroses have large leaves at the base of the flower stalk.
pyramid a solid figure whose sides are triangles that meet at a single point. The base of a pyramid can be any flat shape with straight sides, such as a triangle or square. [1/3 definitions]
sacrifice a hit in the game of baseball that lets a player already on base move forward, even though the player hitting the ball is put out. [2/7 definitions]
salt a chemical substance that is made by replacing an acid with a base. [1/5 definitions]
second baseman in baseball, the player whose position is at second base when the other team is batting and whose primary function is to defend that base.
sepal a part of a plant, shaped like a leaf, that lies at the base of a flower. Sepals hold and protect developing flower buds.
shortstop the position between second and third base in baseball or softball, or the player in this position.
siege a military act of surrounding a city or base, attacking it, and cutting off supplies. The goal of a siege is to force the city or fort to surrender.
single to hit the ball in a baseball or softball game so as to reach first base. [2/8 definitions]
slide to fall from a running position and move along the ground toward a base in baseball or softball. [1/11 definitions]
sound2 having a solid base. [1/4 definitions]
spinal cord the thick cord of nerve tissue inside the spine that runs from the base of the brain to the end of the spine.
steal an act of stealing a base in baseball. [1/6 definitions]