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Children's Dictionary
gentlewoman a woman of noble birth or high social position. [1/2 definitions]
hail from to have as one's place of birth or residence; come from.
have to give birth to. [1/9 definitions]
inborn in a person at birth; not learned.
life the time between birth and death. [1/7 definitions]
life cycle the sequence of changes that a living thing goes through as it grows and develops. Birth, growth, reproduction, aging, and death are all stages in the life cycle of an animal.
native being the place of birth or origin. [3/6 definitions]
navel a round scar or hollow just below a person's waist. The navel is the spot where the umbilical cord was attached before the person's birth.
nobility the condition of being noble in rank, birth, or character. [1/2 definitions]
quintuplet one of five children or animals born to a mother at a single birth.
stepdad (informal) the husband of one's mother but who is not one's father by birth; stepfather.
stepmom (informal) the wife of one's father but who is not one's mother by birth; stepmother.
stork a symbol for the birth of a child. [1/2 definitions]
tombstone a piece of stone that marks a grave and may give the dead person's name and dates of birth and death; gravestone.
triplet one of three children or animals born at a single birth.
twin being a pair or one of a pair of people or animals born at the same birth. [1/4 definitions]
uterus the muscular organ of a female mammal in which the fetus develops before birth.
vagina in most female mammals, the passage leading from the uterus to the opening through which a baby is conceived and born; birth canal.