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Children's Dictionary
haphazard by chance; without order. [1/2 definitions]
happen to occur or take place by chance or coincidence. [2/4 definitions]
hazard to risk or chance. [1/3 definitions]
hearing the chance to be heard. [1/4 definitions]
hope a feeling or chance that something will happen the way one wants it to. [1/5 definitions]
lie in wait to wait for a chance to make a surprise attack.
lot one of a set of objects used to decide something by chance. [1/5 definitions]
lottery a game of chance in which people buy or are given tickets with numbers on them and the winning number is chosen at random.
luck the force believed to guide things which seem to happen to a person by chance. [1/2 definitions]
meet1 to come to one spot and see one another, by chance or plan. [1/8 definitions]
opportunity a chance for a better situation. [1/2 definitions]
prayer1 the slightest chance of something happening (usually used in negative statements or in questions). [1/6 definitions]
random made or done without purpose or pattern; made or done by chance.
risk a chance of getting hurt or losing something. [1/3 definitions]
risky involving a chance of getting hurt or losing something.
run across to meet by chance.
say a chance to express an opinion. [1/6 definitions]
stumble to discover, reach, or come across by chance (usually followed by "across," "on," or "upon"). [1/4 definitions]
threatened having an uncertain chance of surviving into the future.
turn a chance for an action to be done in a certain order. [1/22 definitions]