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Children's Dictionary
leave1 to give into the care or possession of as a result of one's death. [1/5 definitions]
life the time between birth and death. [1/7 definitions]
life cycle the sequence of changes that a living thing goes through as it grows and develops. Birth, growth, reproduction, aging, and death are all stages in the life cycle of an animal.
malignant likely to cause death. [1/2 definitions]
mortal causing or likely to cause death; fatal. [1/5 definitions]
mourn to feel or act very sad because of a death or great loss; grieve. [1/2 definitions]
mourning Black clothing or some other item worn to show great sadness at a death. [1/2 definitions]
paradise (sometimes capitalized) a place where good people go after death; heaven. [1/2 definitions]
passing a person's death, especially the death of someone who was respected or much loved. [1/5 definitions]
poisonous likely to cause serious harm or death; deadly. [1/3 definitions]
spiritual of or having to do with religious matters or people's beliefs in things such as the soul or what happens after death. [1/5 definitions]
stroke a sudden sickness in the brain caused by the breaking or blocking of a blood vessel. A stroke can cause parts of the body to become numb. It can also cause death. [1/6 definitions]
terminal ending in death; fatal. [1/5 definitions]
tetanus a disease that affects the muscles of the neck and lower jaw and can cause death. Tetanus is caused by germs that enter the body through a wound. Another name for this disease is lockjaw.
tombstone a piece of stone that marks a grave and may give the dead person's name and dates of birth and death; gravestone.
tragedy a play or story about serious events or ideas that usually ends with the death of the main character or characters. [1/2 definitions]
tragic causing death, destruction, or disaster. [1/3 definitions]
will2 a legal statement that describes how one wishes to distribute his or her property after death. [1/7 definitions]