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Children's Dictionary
standard a level or degree that is normal or expected. [1/6 definitions]
still1 to an even greater degree. [1/12 definitions]
stretch the degree to which something can be stretched. [1/13 definitions]
such of a degree or quality that is extreme. [2/5 definitions]
superior having a higher position, degree, or rank. [1/5 definitions]
superlative having to do with the form of adjectives and adverbs that indicates the highest or most extreme degree of comparison. [2/3 definitions]
supreme greatest in character, degree, or importance. [1/2 definitions]
temperature the degree of heat or cold of an object or an environment. [1/3 definitions]
that to such a degree or extent. [1/9 definitions]
the2 used in comparisons to show extent or degree. [1/2 definitions]
this to the degree or extent that is being pointed out. [1/7 definitions]
thus to this degree or amount; so. [1/3 definitions]
to a fault to a degree or amount that is almost too good.
too to a greater degree than is wanted; excessively. [1/4 definitions]
tremendous very large in degree or size; huge. [1/2 definitions]
under lower in degree or rank. [1/15 definitions]
utmost of the highest or greatest degree, amount, or intensity; greatest. [2 definitions]
very to a great extent; in a high degree; extremely. [1/6 definitions]
widely to a great degree; by a large amount. [1/3 definitions]