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Children's Dictionary
decade a unit of time equal to ten years.
democrat a person who believes that government should be run by the people or that all people are equal. [1/2 definitions]
denominator the number in a fraction that is below the division line. It shows the number of equal parts into which the top number is to be divided.
diamond a figure with four straight, equal sides and four angles, where one of the points is at the bottom of the figure. [1/5 definitions]
dime a coin of the United States and Canada equal to ten cents.
distributive property in mathematics, a characteristic of numbers that allows you to multiply a group of numbers and get the same answer you would get if you multiplied each member of the group and then combined the answers. For example, 4 x (8 + 1 + 5) is equal to (4 x 8) + (4 x 1) + (4 x 5).
divide to share in equal parts. [2/5 definitions]
divisible able to be divided into equal parts without anything left over.
dollar the main unit of money in the United States, Canada, and several other countries. One dollar is equal to one hundred cents. [1/2 definitions]
double having two equal parts. [1/13 definitions]
duchess a woman who has title and power equal to those of a duke. [1/2 definitions]
eighteenth one of eighteen equal parts of a whole; 1/18. [1/3 definitions]
eighth one of eight equal parts of a whole; 1/8. [1/3 definitions]
eightieth one of eighty equal parts of a whole; 1/80. [1/3 definitions]
eighty the number that is equal to eight times ten; 80. [1/3 definitions]
eleventh one of eleven equal parts of a whole; 1/11. [1/3 definitions]
equal a person or thing that is the same as or equal to another. [2/4 definitions]
equality the condition, fact, or quality of being equal.
equally in an equal or like manner. [1/2 definitions]
equation a statement in arithmetic that uses an equal sign to show the equality of two quantities.
equilateral having all the sides or faces equal.