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Children's Dictionary
film a thin strip of material covered with a substance that changes in the light. Film is used to make photographs and movies. [1/5 definitions]
footage a portion of film, such as a scene from a movie or part of all the film that was shot at a particular event.
gelatin an animal protein that is used in glue, on film, and for making things like jelly. [1/2 definitions]
Hollywood an area within the city of Los Angeles, California where many movies are made and that is often seen as representing the U.S. film industry.
marquee a canopy or a covering like a roof over the entrance to a building. The marquee over a theater shows the title of the current play or film and sometimes the names of the actors.
motion picture a story that is told by means of filmed pictures and recorded sound; film or movie. [1/2 definitions]
movie a motion picture; film. [1/2 definitions]
opening the first performance or showing of a play or film. [1/5 definitions]
picture a motion picture; movie; film. [1/7 definitions]
plaque a film of bacteria and saliva that forms on teeth. [1/2 definitions]
preview a showing of a film, play, or work of art for a chosen audience before the public sees it. [1/2 definitions]
projector a machine for projecting an image onto a screen by casting a beam of light through photographic film.
recording something that can be listened to or watched on a device because it has been recorded, especially on something like an audio tape, video tape, film, compact disk, or vinyl disk. [1/2 definitions]
reel1 a spool or other device on which fishing line, cord, tape, film, or other material can be wound. [1/4 definitions]
rerun a film or television program that is shown again. [1/3 definitions]
review an article in a newspaper or magazine that judges the worth of a new book, film, play, restaurant, or the like. [1/7 definitions]
romance a love relationship, either in life or in literature or film. [2/4 definitions]
shoot to take a photograph of or record on film. [1/11 definitions]
shutter a device that opens and closes the lens of a camera. The shutter opens to let light onto the film when a picture is taken. [1/2 definitions]
slide a piece of film on which there is a picture or diagram that may be shown on a screen. [1/11 definitions]
splice to join (two pieces of film, tape, or similar things) at the ends. [1/2 definitions]