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Children's Dictionary
fiery on fire or containing fire; flaming. [2/3 definitions]
fire alarm a device that gives off a noise to signal that a fire is occurring.
fire engine a large truck that carries firefighters and their tools to a fire. Fire engines usually have a ladder and a pump for spraying water or chemicals used to put out fires.
fire escape a metal stair or ladder used as an emergency exit in case of fire. Fire escapes are usually on the outside of buildings.
fire extinguisher a container for chemicals that can be sprayed on a fire to put it out.
firehouse a building in which equipment for fighting fires is kept and where firefighters meet; fire station.
fireproof difficult or impossible to set on fire or to damage or destroy with fire.
fire station a place where firefighters stay and where fire trucks and things to fight fires are kept.
fire truck a large truck that firefighters ride in to go to a fire and that carries the things firefighters need to put out fires; fire engine.
flame the mixture of burning gas and vapor that rises from an object that is on fire. Flame is seen as brightly colored, flickering light. [1/4 definitions]
flammable able to catch on fire easily.
flintlock a part of an old-fashioned gun no longer in use. This part makes a spark that sets the powder inside on fire. [1/2 definitions]
fuse2 an electrical device with a connection that melts if there is too much heat. Fuses protect buildings by breaking a circuit before a fire can start. [1/4 definitions]
gunner a soldier or sailor who fires or helps to fire a large gun or cannon.
gunpowder a black powder that explodes when touched with fire. Gunpowder is used in firing guns.
holocaust a great destruction by fire. [1/2 definitions]
ignite to cause to begin burning; set on fire. [1/2 definitions]
ignition the act of starting to burn or being set on fire. [1/2 definitions]
inflammable able to catch fire and burn, or easy to set on fire and burn; flammable.
inspector an officer in a police or fire department. [1/2 definitions]
kindle1 to build or start (a fire). [2/3 definitions]