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Children's Dictionary
Boxing Day a holiday in England, Canada, and some other countries, celebrated on the first weekday after Christmas.
breakfast the first meal of the day, eaten in the morning. [1/2 definitions]
bullfight a public show held in an arena in which performers first tease and tire out a bull, and then one person using a cape to draw the bull near tries to kill it with a sword. Bullfighting is popular in Spain and Mexico.
c1 the first note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
capital1 of high quality; excellent; first rate. [1/8 definitions]
capitalize to write or print (something) using capital letters or using a capital letter as the first letter.
champion a person or animal that has taken first place in a contest or game; winner. [1/3 definitions]
coach a section of seats on an airplane or train. Tickets for this section are less expensive than first class. [1/6 definitions]
corporal2 an officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps who is ranked below sergeant and above private first class.
Covid-19 a serious, sometimes fatal, disease caused by a certain type of virus called a "coronavirus." This particular coronavirus broke out for the first time in 2019, and the disease spread all over the world in 2020. "Co" in Covid stands for "corona," "vi" stands for "virus," and "d" stands for "disease." The number 19 refers to the year 2019. The name "Covid-19" is oftened shortened to "Covid."
crescent the shape of the moon when it looks to us like a narrow arc. The moon appears as a crescent in its first and last quarters. [2/3 definitions]
cud food that certain animals such as cows bring up from the first stomach to chew again.
dawn the first daylight that appears in the morning; daybreak. [1/5 definitions]
daybreak the first daylight in the morning; dawn.
debut a person's first appearance on stage, in concert, or on film. [2 definitions]
deposit a payment that is one part of all the money that is owed for something. A deposit is a first payment and the rest of the money is to be paid later. [1/7 definitions]
dinosaur one of a group of extinct animals. Some kinds of dinosaurs were the largest animals that ever lived on land. Other dinosaurs were as small as chickens. The first kinds of dinosaurs developed over two hundred million years ago. The last kinds became extinct about sixty-five million years ago.
dissolve in films and videotapes, a change of scene by having one fade while the next appears dimly and gradually grows clearer and replaces the first. [1/5 definitions]
dive to plunge or move downward rapidly, usually head or front first. [2/5 definitions]
diving the activity or sport of jumping into water with your head and arms going first.
do2 the syllable that indicates the first or last tone of a musical scale.