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Children's Dictionary
can't shortened form of "cannot."
capital1 a large form of a letter of the alphabet. [2/8 definitions]
capture to put into a lasting form; preserve. [1/3 definitions]
carve to form or write by cutting. [1/2 definitions]
cash money in the form of bills or coins, or payment in such form. [1/2 definitions]
cast to form into a hard object by pouring or setting material into a mold. [1/12 definitions]
chair a short form of "chairman" or "chairperson." [1/2 definitions]
change to make different; alter the content or form of. [2/10 definitions]
charcoal the solid, black form of carbon made by burning wood or other matter in a space with very little oxygen. [1/2 definitions]
chart a sheet that gives information in the form of a graph or table. [1/4 definitions]
chemistry the science that studies the form and function of basic elements and their compounds. [1/2 definitions]
chimp a short form of "chimpanzee," a highly intelligent African species of ape.
chlorine a substance that is one of the chemical elements. It combines with sodium to form table salt. It is also used in making bleach. Chlorine is poisonous in its pure gas form. (symbol: Cl)
chromium a shiny, silver-gray metal that is one of the chemical elements. Chromium does not rust easily. It is used on surfaces, such as the metal trim on cars, because it stays shiny. It can be combined with other metals to form alloys. (symbol: Cr)
churn a container in which cream or milk is beaten or shaken to form butter. [1/4 definitions]
circular moving in the form of a circle. [1/3 definitions]
cirrus a type of cloud that usually appears in the form of strings or threads.
comparative of or describing the form of adjectives and adverbs that indicate that one is talking about a greater degree of some quality. [2/4 definitions]
compile to gather information together to form one written work.
compress to form into a solid mass by pressing together. [1/3 definitions]
conceive to form an idea or concept (usually followed by "of"). [1/4 definitions]