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Children's Dictionary
Angora (often lower case) yarn or cloth made from either of these kinds of hair. Angora is used to make sweaters and other articles of clothing. [1/3 definitions]
annex a building added to an existing building. An annex may be attached to or separate from the main building. [1/3 definitions]
answering machine a device connected to a telephone that records an incoming message from a caller when the telephone is not answered.
anthem a religious song including words from the Bible. [1/2 definitions]
antibiotic substance derived from fungi or other organisms and used to destroy or prevent the growth of bacteria or other disease-causing organisms.
antidote a substance that stops poison from working or cures a disease.
antique from or made in a time long ago. [1/2 definitions]
aorta the main artery of the body. The aorta carries blood from the left side of the heart to all parts of the body except the lungs.
apart away from each other in time or space; at or to a distance; separated. [1/2 definitions]
ape a mammal in the group of primates, which includes chimpanzees, gibbons, gorillas, and orangutans. Apes do not have tails. They have very flexible hands and feet. Apes range in size from three to six feet tall, and they can weigh up to 450 pounds. Apes live in the forests in Africa and Asia. [1/2 definitions]
apiece for or from each one; each.
Appalachia a region in the United States that stretches from southwestern Pennsylvania to northwestern Georgia and includes the southern Appalachian Mountains.
Appalachian Mountains a mountain range in eastern North America that stretches from the southeastern part of Canada to central Alabama in the United States; Appalachians.
aqua the color that comes from mixing blue, green, and a small amount of white paint.
aquifer a layer of rock, sand, or gravel that contains water from which wells and springs are supplied.
arbitrary resulting from personal opinions, wishes, or feelings instead of from a rule or reason.
arid extremely dry, especially from lack of rainfall.
arise to get up from sitting or sleep. [1/3 definitions]
ark (sometimes capitalized) in the Bible, the large boat built by Noah to save his family and two of every animal from a flood sent by God. [1/2 definitions]
arouse to awaken (someone) from sleep. [1/2 definitions]
arrogance disagreeable behavior resulting from this condition. [1/2 definitions]