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Children's Dictionary
hard full of energy; giving a strong effort. [1/9 definitions]
hateful full of hate; showing hate. [1/2 definitions]
hazardous full of danger; having great or many risks.
hearty full of warmth and enthusiasm; friendly. [1/4 definitions]
hostility the state of being unfriendly or full of hate. [1/2 definitions]
involve to cause to give full attention to or be busy with. [1/3 definitions]
jolly cheerful, full of fun, and merry.
joyous full of joy; happy.
light2 not heavy, full, intense, or powerful. [1/4 definitions]
lively full of life or energy. [1/4 definitions]
longhand writing done by hand in which words are written out in full.
luxury a way of living that is full of great pleasure and comfort. [1/2 definitions]
mantle a full, sleeveless cloak. [1/2 definitions]
mature to come to full or complete physical development. [1/4 definitions]
meaningful full of meaning or significance.
mellow soft, juicy, and full of flavor, because it is ripe. [1/5 definitions]
mineral having to do with or full of minerals. [1/2 definitions]
model a small exact copy of something, often used as a guide to making the thing in full size. [1/10 definitions]
muddy covered with or full of mud. [1/2 definitions]
mysterious full of or relating to mystery. [1/2 definitions]
Newfoundland an eastern province of Canada, including the island of Newfoundland in the Atlantic Ocean. The full name of the province is Newfoundland & Labrador. Its capital is St. John's.