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Children's Dictionary
end goal, purpose, or aim. [1/6 definitions]
football a game played in the United States and Canada by two teams on a long field. Each team tries to score points by passing or carrying the ball to the other team's end of the playing area, or by kicking it through the goal posts. [2/4 definitions]
force a group of people with a common goal or activity. [1/6 definitions]
get to first base to complete the first step towards reaching a goal; begin to succeed.
goal the points scored by getting a ball or puck into the goal. [1/3 definitions]
goalkeeper the player who defends the team's goal in sports such as soccer or hockey.
have a bee in one's bonnet to think constantly of one idea or goal.
head to move toward a certain goal or in a certain direction. [1/10 definitions]
headway1 progress toward some goal. [1/2 definitions]
hockey a sport played on ice, with two teams of six skating players; ice hockey. Each team tries to drive a puck into the other's goal using sticks; ice hockey. [1/2 definitions]
ice hockey a sport played on ice by two teams. In ice hockey, each person wears skates and plays with a long stick. Using the stick, players hit a flat disc called a puck and try to get it into the other team's goal, often by passing it from one team member to another across the ice.
idea a plan, purpose, or goal. [1/4 definitions]
lacrosse a game played on a field. The players use sticks with a net on one end to carry the ball and throw it into the other team's goal.
maneuver to move to a desired position or goal using strategy or skill. [1/5 definitions]
mark1 a goal or target. [1/9 definitions]
mean1 to have as a goal or purpose; intend. [1/6 definitions]
meander to wander in speech or movement without a goal or direction. [1/2 definitions]
means a method or instrument used to reach a goal or accomplish something. [1/2 definitions]
mission an important task that one is sent out to do, or a goal that a person strongly feels that he or she must go out and achieve. [1/5 definitions]
navigate to make one's way; find the correct path to a destination or goal. [1/5 definitions]
object the purpose or goal of a particular activity. [1/7 definitions]