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koala a mammal with gray fur, round ears, and a short black nose. Koalas are marsupials and live in trees. The female has a pouch in her belly where she carries her baby. Koalas are only found in Australia. They are sometimes called "koala bears," but they are not related to true bears.
lead2 a heavy, soft gray metal that is one of the chemical elements. Because it is very heavy and dense, lead is useful for making things such as weights, shot, and shields that protect against radiation. (symbol: Pb) [1/2 definitions]
leopard a large mammal with short yellow or gray fur and black spots. Leopards with very dark fur are called black leopards or panthers. They live in southern Asia and Africa but are threatened or endangered in all their habitats. Leopards are carnivores and are closely related to lions, tigers, and other big cats that roar.
lichen a living thing that is a fungus and a form of algae or special bacteria living together. The algae or the bacteria use photosynthesis to make food for the fungus. There are many kinds of lichens with different colors, such as green, gray, black, or red. They can look like scales, crusts, or branches. Lichens live on rocks and other places where there is no soil.
mockingbird a gray and white North American songbird. It has many different calls and can also copy the sounds that other birds make.
mouse a very small mammal with gray or brown fur. Mice are rodents. They have pointed faces, round ears, and long tails with no fur. Different kinds of mice are found in many parts of the world. [1/2 definitions]
opossum a small mammal with gray fur, a pointed nose, and a long tail, which it uses to hang from tree branches. The common opossum is the only marsupial that lives in North America. Several other kinds of opossums live in Central and South America. The female opossum carries her young in a pouch in her belly. [1/2 definitions]
partridge a plump game bird with brown or gray feathers that make a whirring sound when the bird is rising to fly. The grouse and bobwhite are kinds of partridges.
puma a large wild cat with tan or gray fur and no spots. Pumas live in many parts of North and South America. Pumas are carnivorous mammals. They are also called cougars, mountain lions, or panthers.
pussy willow a small willow with furry, gray flowers that grow in clusters along its branches.
raccoon a small mammal with brown and gray fur, a long tail with black rings, and a pointed face with black markings that look like a mask. Raccoons eat plants and small animals such as insects and frogs. In towns and cities, they eat garbage. Several kinds of raccoons live in North and South America and on Caribbean islands.
sandy of the same color as sand; yellow with a red or gray shade. [1/3 definitions]
Siamese cat a breed of cat. Siamese cats are native to Thailand. They are known for their blue eyes and a pale gray or brown coat with darker ears, tail, and paws.
silicon a hard, dark gray substance that is a chemical element. It is found in silica, a compound that makes up one fourth of the earth's crust. Silicon is used in making glass, concrete, bricks, and computer chips. (symbol: Si)
slate a dark or bluish gray color. [1/3 definitions]
smoke the visible black, gray, or white gases given off into the air by something that is burning. [1/6 definitions]
sparrow a small, common songbird with brown or gray feathers. There are several kinds of sparrows and they can be found in many different areas.
squirrel a small rodent that is active during the day. There are many kinds of squirrels found all around the world. The word "squirrel" is often used to refer to tree squirrels, small rodents with long, bushy tails. Tree squirrels have gray, red brown, or black fur.
taupe a dark brownish gray color.
tin a soft, light gray metal that is one of the chemical elements. Tin does not rust easily. It can be combined with other metals to form alloys such as bronze or pewter. (symbol: Sn) [1/2 definitions]
vole a small rodent with gray or brown fur, short legs, and a short tail. Voles are rodents closely related to lemmings and mice. Many kinds of voles are found in Europe, Asia, North America, and northern Africa. In North America, voles are sometimes called field mice.