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Children's Dictionary
countless very great in number; not able to be counted.
crank out to make in great numbers in a mechanical way.
crash1 to smash or destroy with great force and loud noise. [1/7 definitions]
crisis a situation that is not stable or certain, usually causing a great deal of stress and anxiety. [1/2 definitions]
crush great pressure from pressing or squeezing. [1/5 definitions]
dash to throw or toss with great force so as to break. [2/8 definitions]
deal1 amount (usually used with "good" or "great"). [1/7 definitions]
deep having great space below or behind a certain point; reaching far down or back; not shallow. [2/7 definitions]
dehydration a serious physical condition in which one's body has lost a great deal of water. It can happen to both humans and animals if they do not get enough water.
delight great pleasure or joy. [3/4 definitions]
deluge a flood caused by a great amount of water. [1/4 definitions]
demanding requiring great attention or effort. [1/2 definitions]
demon a person who has a great amount of energy and enthusiasm. [1/2 definitions]
desperate not caring about danger because of great need. [2/3 definitions]
distress a state of great need or trouble. [2/3 definitions]
double to make twice as much or twice as great. [1/13 definitions]
dread great fear. [2/4 definitions]
dreadful causing great fear; terrible. [1/2 definitions]
driving moving forward or going continuously with great force or excitement. [1/2 definitions]
ecstasy a feeling of great pleasure or joy.
elaborate planned or carried out with great care and attention to details. [1/2 definitions]