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Children's Dictionary
hippopotamus a very large, round mammal that has short legs with hooves and thick skin with almost no hair. Hippopotamuses live in or near rivers and lakes of tropical Africa. They eat plants.
horse a large mammal with long legs and hooves. A horse has a long neck with a mane, short hair, and a long tail. In the wild, horses live in herds and eat grass and other plants. For thousands of years, people have used horses for riding and for pulling or carrying loads. [1/3 definitions]
hound any of several breeds of dogs. Hounds have short hair, a deep voice, and long, drooping ears. They are used for hunting. [1/3 definitions]
Irish setter a breed of dog. Irish setters have long red hair and a silky coat.
leather material made from the skin of an animal by removing the hair and tanning. Leather is used for making shoes, jackets, luggage, and many other things. [1/2 definitions]
lion a large, very strong mammal with short tan fur. Male lions have a mane of longer hair around the neck and head. Lions live in parts of Africa and Asia. They are carnivores and are closely related to tigers, leopards, and other big cats that roar.
lock2 a curl or piece of hair. [2 definitions]
locket a small metal case that holds a picture or a lock of hair. It is usually worn on a chain around the neck.
machine a device with a system of parts that work together to perform a task. Cars, computers, hair dryers, and vacuum cleaners are all examples of machines.
mammal a warm-blooded animal with fur or hair on its skin and a skeleton inside its body. Mammal mothers produce milk to feed their babies. Most mammals have four legs or two arms and two legs. Dogs, cows, elephants, mice, whales, and humans are all mammals.
mane the long hair on the back and sides of the neck of horses, lions, and other animals.
mat1 a thick mass of tangled hair or fur. [1/6 definitions]
mattress a large pad that supports the body while sleeping, made of a strong fabric filled with soft material such as cotton, hair, straw, or foam rubber.
mustache the hair that grows above a human's upper lip. This hair is often allowed to grow and then is cut or trimmed into shape.
part the line in the hair made by a comb. [1/13 definitions]
Pekingese a small breed of dog with short legs and long, silky, light brown hair. Pekingese were first bred in China.
pigtail a braid of hair that hangs from the head.
ponytail a hair style in which all the hair is drawn up and tied at the back so that the ends hang free.
poodle a breed of dog. Poodles range in size from very small to large and have thick, curly hair that can be cut in a fancy way.
razor a tool with a very sharp blade that is used for shaving hair from the body or face.
ribbon a narrow strip or band of colorful material used to hold the hair or to tie up presents. [1/3 definitions]