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Children's Dictionary
handrail a narrow rail that a person grips by the hand for support or protection.
handwriting words written by hand with a pen or pencil. [1/2 definitions]
hatchet a small ax with a short handle that can be used with one hand.
hold1 to have or contain within one's hand. [2/13 definitions]
hook the curve of a ball in the direction opposite to the throwing or striking hand. [1/10 definitions]
hour hand the shorter hand on a watch or a clock, which moves around the entire face twice a day and indicates the hour.
inventory a complete list of things on hand or in a particular place. [1/2 definitions]
knit to join together loops of yarn by hand with long needles or by machine, in order to make various items such as sweaters, blankets, and shawls. [1/5 definitions]
left-hand of or for the left hand. [1/2 definitions]
left-handed using the left hand more easily than the right. [3 definitions]
longhand writing done by hand in which words are written out in full.
manual worked by hand. [1/3 definitions]
mime the art or practice of telling a story or acting out a dramatic or comical scene by means of hand and body movements rather than speaking; pantomime. [1/2 definitions]
minute hand the longer hand on a watch or a clock, which moves around the entire face once an hour and shows the minutes.
mitten a covering for the hand, worn for warmth. Mittens have one section for the thumb and one section for the four fingers.
moose the largest kind of deer. Male moose have very large antlers that are shaped like a hand with spread fingers. Moose are mammals with hooves. They live in the northern United States and in Canada. Moose also live in northern Europe and Asia, where they are called elk.
nearby located close at hand; not far away. [1/2 definitions]
on tap on hand; available for use or service. [1/2 definitions]
paddle to hit or spank with a paddle or hand. [1/4 definitions]
palm1 the inner surface of the hand, between the wrist and the base of the fingers. [2 definitions]
pass to hand or move to someone else. [1/14 definitions]