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Children's Dictionary
pass to hand or move to someone else. [1/14 definitions]
pat1 to tap gently with the hand to show feelings of warmth or affection. [2/4 definitions]
pick up to lift up by hand. [1/5 definitions]
pistol a small gun that is held and fired with one hand.
plane2 a hand tool with a blade, used to make the surface of wood smooth or even. [1/2 definitions]
pointer a hand or needle on a measuring device such as a watch or compass. [1/4 definitions]
puppet a doll that looks like a person or an animal. Some puppets move by being placed over a hand, and others move by strings held from above.
reach to extend something such as the hand. [1/11 definitions]
refer to pass or hand over for advice or help. [1/3 definitions]
remote control a device held in the hand that is used to control a television set, a toy, or some other mechanical object from a distance. [1/2 definitions]
right-handed using the right hand more often or more easily than the left. [3 definitions]
ring finger the third finger of the hand, especially the left hand, on which an engagement, wedding, or similar ring is traditionally worn.
salute to show respect by raising the right hand to the forehead. [1/3 definitions]
sand to make smooth by rubbing with sandpaper, either by hand or by machine. [1/3 definitions]
scribe1 a person whose job is to copy letters, books, or other written materials by hand.
scythe a tool that has a long handle with a long, curved blade attached to the end at a right angle. It is used for cutting grass or harvesting grain by hand.
second hand a hand on a clock or watch that shows the seconds going by. The second hand is thinner than either the minute hand or the hour hand, and it goes around the clock faster. Sometimes it is a different color also.
shake to take the hand of another in greeting or congratulations. [1/10 definitions]
shake hands to take the hand of another person and move it up and down. People shake hands to greet each other or to show that they agree on something.
slap a sharp blow with an open hand that makes a cracking sound. [1/5 definitions]
sling1 a broad piece of cloth that is tied around the neck to support an injured arm or hand. [1/4 definitions]