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Children's Dictionary
lush growing thick and healthy. [1/2 definitions]
normal having a healthy mind; without mental or emotional illness. [2/4 definitions]
overeat to eat more than a comfortable, proper, or healthy amount.
overwork to work more than is reasonable or healthy. [2/3 definitions]
recover to return to a normal or healthy condition. [1/3 definitions]
recuperate to become healthy again after being ill.
right healthy in body or mind. [1/21 definitions]
robust strong, healthy, and full of energy. [1/2 definitions]
sane having a healthy mind. [1/2 definitions]
sanitation the practice of keeping the public healthy by providing clean living conditions. Sanitation includes removing garbage and keeping drinking water clean.
sanity a healthy state of mind.
sickly often sick; not strong or healthy. [1/2 definitions]
sleek healthy and well fed. [1/2 definitions]
sound2 free of damage; healthy or in good condition. [1/4 definitions]
themselves their usual, healthy, or true selves. [1/3 definitions]
thrive to grow strong and healthy. [1/2 definitions]
tone healthy firmness of the skin, muscle, or organs of the body. [1/7 definitions]
well1 healthy; sound. [1/12 definitions]
well-being the condition of being healthy, happy, and comfortable.
yourself your usual or healthy self. [1/3 definitions]