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Children's Dictionary
kettle a kettle with a spout used to make and then pour tea or other hot drinks. [1/2 definitions]
lava hot, melted rock that erupts from a volcano. [2 definitions]
macaroni and cheese a popular lunch or dinner dish made with noodles combined with a cheese sauce. The noodles are called macaroni, and they have the shape of short, curved tubes. Macaroni and cheese is served hot, either as an entree or a side dish.
magma hot, liquid matter beneath the earth's surface that cools to form igneous rock. Magma that reaches the earth's surface, as when a volcano erupts, is called lava.
mash a mixture of grain or meal and hot water that is fed to farm animals. [1/4 definitions]
mirage an illusion in which something is seen in the distance but is not really there. A mirage often occurs in the desert or on hot pavement, creating the illusion of water. A mirage is caused when light is reflected by air masses of different temperatures.
pepper a hollow fruit that varies in size, shape, and color. Peppers can have either a hot or sweet taste. They are eaten as a vegetable or used to season other foods. [1/4 definitions]
perspiration the act or process of giving off moisture through the pores of the skin; sweating. Perspiration is the body's way of cooling off when it gets too hot. [1/2 definitions]
potholder a pad or mitten made of thick material used to handle cooking and baking utensils when they are too hot to touch.
pudding the British word for a hot dish made with flour and eggs, containing fruit or meat or vegetables. [1/3 definitions]
radiator a device that uses steam or hot water passing through pipes in order to heat a room. [1/2 definitions]
relish a spicy topping used to flavor food. Relish is often made out of chopped, pickled vegetables and served on hot dogs or hamburgers. [1/3 definitions]
roast to make too hot. [1/6 definitions]
rocket1 a flying device, shaped like a tube, that is driven by hot gases released from engines in its rear. Rockets are used to launch fireworks, signals, weapons, and spacecraft. [1/3 definitions]
Sahara Desert a vast and very dry region of North Africa extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Nile River. The Sahara desert is hot and sandy, and it is the largest desert of this type in the world.
spark a very small bit of hot and glowing material thrown off by burning wood. [1/5 definitions]
sticky hot or warm and very humid; muggy. [1/2 definitions]
sweltering extremely hot, or very warm and humid.
tea a drink that is made by steeping dried tea leaves in hot water. Tea is served hot or cold. [1/5 definitions]
temperate having neither extremely hot nor extremely cold temperatures and mild weather.
torch a tool that produces a very hot flame for working with glass or metal. [1/3 definitions]