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Children's Dictionary
brand a burn mark made on cattle or other animals with a hot iron to show who the owner is. [2/4 definitions]
broil1 to cause (something) to become extremely hot or to burn, especially at the top surface. [1/2 definitions]
Bunsen burner a burner that has holes at the bottom where air enters, mixes with gas, and makes a hot blue flame. Bunsen burners are used in laboratory experiments.
burn to be very hot. [1/8 definitions]
cactus a thick-stemmed, often prickly plant without conventional leaves that grows in hot, dry areas of America.
embarrassing causing a feeling of emotional discomfort or shame, often making one's face become red or one's cheeks to feel hot, or causing one to wish to hide from others.
erupt of a volcano, to break open and send out hot melted rock and ash. [1/2 definitions]
fiery like fire; very hot or red. [1/3 definitions]
flue a hollow pipe inside a chimney that lets hot or cold air, smoke, or steam escape to the outside.
frank2 (informal) frankfurter; hot dog.
fry1 to cook in hot butter, oil, or other fat. [1/2 definitions]
geyser a spring that shoots a stream of hot water, steam, or mud into the air from time to time.
glow a steady light, especially the light given off by something very hot. [2/6 definitions]
heat to cause to become warm or hot (often followed by "up"). [2/4 definitions]
hot dog a hot, cooked sausage, sometimes called a frankfurter, eaten in a long, soft roll. [1/2 definitions]
inflammation a small area of tissue that is hot, red, swollen, and sore because of infection or injury.
jet propulsion a way of giving aircraft and some small ships the power to move forward. Jet propulsion forces air and hot gases under high pressure to go through a jet nozzle.
kettle a kettle with a spout used to make and then pour tea or other hot drinks. [1/2 definitions]
lava hot, melted rock that erupts from a volcano. [2 definitions]
macaroni and cheese a popular lunch or dinner dish made with noodles combined with a cheese sauce. The noodles are called macaroni, and they have the shape of short, curved tubes. Macaroni and cheese is served hot, either as an entree or a side dish.
magma hot, liquid matter beneath the earth's surface that cools to form igneous rock. Magma that reaches the earth's surface, as when a volcano erupts, is called lava.