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Children's Dictionary
leave1 to let remain. [3/5 definitions]
let's1 shortened form of "let us."
liberate to free or let out.
loose to set free; let loose. [1/6 definitions]
lower1 to cause to move to a position below; let down. [1/6 definitions]
outlet an opening through which something is let out or allowed to escape; vent. [1/4 definitions]
Pandora the first woman, according to Greek mythology. Pandora opened the lid of a box out of curiosity and let all the evils fly out into the world.
permit to allow; let. [1/4 definitions]
release to let go of or loosen. [1/4 definitions]
shed2 to cast off, take off, or let fall. [2/4 definitions]
shutter a device that opens and closes the lens of a camera. The shutter opens to let light onto the film when a picture is taken. [1/2 definitions]
skylight a window in a roof or ceiling. Skylights let in light.
smoke to breathe in and let out the smoke of. [1/6 definitions]
sneeze to let out a sudden, involuntary burst of air through the mouth and nose. [1/2 definitions]
squeal to let out a squeal. [1/3 definitions]
thanks to let thanks be given to. [1/2 definitions]
train station a place where train tickets are sold and where passengers and goods are let on or off trains.
turn to send out, let go, or drive away. [1/22 definitions]
Venetian blind a window blind made of thin slats connected by a cord. The slats can be tilted to control the amount of air or light let through. A cord is also used to raise and lower the blind.
vent to let out. [1/3 definitions]