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Children's Dictionary
guy1 (informal) a boy or man; fellow. [1/2 definitions]
Hercules a hero in Greek and Roman mythology. Hercules was half man and half god and known for his amazing strength.
hoodlum a rough young man who gets into trouble. [1/2 definitions]
horseman a man who rides on a horse. [2 definitions]
husband a man who is married; the man to whom a woman is married.
irrigation the supplying of water to land by man-made means.
jack the face card with the lowest value in a deck of cards. The jack is pictured as a young man in uniform. [1/5 definitions]
knight a man given a rank of honor by a king or queen for service to his country. [1/4 definitions]
lad a boy or young man.
landlord a man or woman who rents property to others.
mailman a man whose job is to deliver mail; postman.
man-of-war see "Portuguese man-of-war." [1/2 definitions]
men plural of "man."
monk a man who has joined other men in a religious community and taken vows to live a simple life.
monsieur the French title for a man meaning "Mister" or "Sir."
narcissus (capital) in Greek mythology, a young man who fell in love with his own reflection and, when he perished from unfulfilled love, was transformed into a flower. [1/3 definitions]
nobleman a man of high rank or title.
patriarch a man who is the leader of a family or tribe. [2 definitions]
plate a thin sheet of a hard material, either natural or man-made. [1/7 definitions]
policeman a man who is a member of a police force.
Portuguese man-of-war a kind of jellyfish that lives in warm oceans. Each man-of-war is a colony or group of animals that live together. The colony has many long stinging tentacles that can hurt people or other animals.