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Children's Dictionary
jazz a form of music with strong, complex rhythms that started with African Americans in the late 1800s. Jazz musicians often add notes or make up parts as they play.
jig2 music written or played for such a dance. [1/4 definitions]
jukebox a machine that holds many different records or CDs and plays music when money is put in. By pushing a button, the song that is chosen will play.
karaoke a kind of music entertainment system that plays the music of popular songs, but leaves out the vocals. This allows a person to sing along with the music. Karaoke was invented in Japan.
march a piece of music suited for marching to. [1/4 definitions]
measure a unit of rhythm in music; bar. [1/7 definitions]
medium a way or method of communicating or expressing, such as painting, music, or language. [1/6 definitions]
medley a musical piece that uses the melodies from several different pieces of music. [1/2 definitions]
meter2 the rhythmic measure in music provided by the division of notes into equal units or bars. [1/3 definitions]
mouthpiece a part of an object that is put into or near the mouth. Mouthpieces may be used to help pass speech and other sounds from one person to another or to make music. [1/2 definitions]
music sound with tones and rhythm that can be listened to and enjoyed. Music can be made by voices or instruments. [1/4 definitions]
musical like music rather than noise; having qualities similar to melody or harmony. [4/5 definitions]
music box a box containing a mechanical device that plays music. The music plays by winding a knob, lifting the lid of the box, or some other action.
musician a person skilled at playing, singing, or writing music.
music room in a school, a classroom where music is taught and where instruments may be kept.
opera1 a play in which all or most of the words are sung and the music is played by an orchestra.
phrase a short unit or passage of music. [1/4 definitions]
piece a work of art, literature, or music. [1/5 definitions]
pipe1 to make music or give a signal with a pipe. [1/6 definitions]
piracy the act of breaking the law or doing wrong by copying or using another's writing, music, or ideas. [1/2 definitions]
pirate someone who breaks the law or does wrong by copying or using another's writing, music, or ideas. [1/3 definitions]