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folk dance music for such a dance. [1/2 definitions]
folk music music made up and played by the common people of a region or country. Such music is often simple, with parts that are played over and over.
folk song a piece of folk music meant for singing.
French horn A French horn is an instrument for playing music. It has a round shape, and it is made out of brass.
fun Fun is something that you can enjoy, or the feeling you get when you are doing something that you really like. People usually have fun when they are playing or doing something interesting or exciting like watching a movie or skating or listening to music. [1/2 definitions]
genre A genre is a particular category of music, art, or literature.
group a small musical band, especially one that plays pop or jazz music. [1/4 definitions]
guitar A guitar is an instrument for playing music. It has a hollow body and a long neck. Attached to the guitar are strings that you press on with one hand and move across with your other hand to make sounds.
half step an interval in music that is halfway between two notes.
harmony Harmony in music is when different musical notes are played or sung at the same time and make a pleasant sound together. [2/3 definitions]
headphone Headphones are something you wear over your head and against your ears to listen to music or other sound. Headphones make the sound clearer and let you hear the sound without other people hearing it.
horn A horn is an instrument for playing music. Horns are usually made of a shiny metal called brass. The main part of a horn is a tube that is narrow at the end where you put your mouth. At the other end, the tube becomes wide and open like a bell. You make sounds by blowing through the tube. [1/3 definitions]
humanity (plural) studies that deal with human thoughts and human culture. The humanities include music, art, history, and literature, but do not include the sciences. [1/3 definitions]
institute An institute is a college or other school that teaches a particular thing, such as music, art, or technology. [1/3 definitions]
instrument any of various devices for making music, such as a trumpet or piano. [1/2 definitions]
interest When you have interest in something, you want to learn about it or do it. If you have an interest in dinosaurs, you want to learn many things about them. If you have interest in music, maybe you want to learn about it or learn to play it. [1/7 definitions]
interpretation showing the meaning of music, drama, or something similar through performance. [1/2 definitions]
Italy Italy is a country in Europe. Most of Italy is a peninsula that sticks out into the Mediterranean Sea. If you look at Italy on a map, you can see that it has the shape of a tall boot. Italy is famous for its beautiful cities, its art and music, and its food. Foods from Italy such as spaghetti and pizza are popular all over the world. People in Italy speak a language called Italian.
jam1 to play or improvise jazz or rock-'n'-roll music with others. [1/8 definitions]
Jamaica Jamaica is an island country in the Caribbean Sea. Many people visit Jamaica to enjoy its beaches, its music, and its delicious food. Many people make a living in Jamaica by working with the tourists that come to visit. Some people make a living by growing coffee plants or sugar cane. When you have sugar on your cereal, just think that it might have come from the island of Jamaica!
jazz a form of music with strong, complex rhythms that started with African Americans in the late 1800s. Jazz musicians often add notes or make up parts as they play.