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Children's Dictionary
stepmother the wife of one's father, who may act as a mother but is not one's natural mother.
stepparent a man or woman who is not one's natural parent but is married to one's natural parent; a stepfather or stepmother.
straw hat a hat made from natural straw or a straw-like material, often used in warm weather.
supernatural having to do with forces separate from or higher than natural laws.
synthetic a chemical substance made by a laboratory, and not of natural origin. [1/2 definitions]
talent a natural skill or ability. [1/2 definitions]
talented having a natural skill or gift in some activity.
tenor a man's singing voice with the highest natural range, or a singer with such a voice. [1/3 definitions]
terrain land or ground, or the natural characteristics of its surface.
uncanny beyond ordinary human or natural means or ability.
unnatural not according to natural laws or processes. [1/2 definitions]
uproot to force to leave a home, native land, or natural environment. [1/2 definitions]
urge a natural desire or impulse to do something. [1/5 definitions]
virgin not touched by humans; natural; not changed. [1/2 definitions]
vitamin one of a number of natural or human-made substances needed for the health and normal working of the body. Humans get most of their vitamins from food.
waste using too much of something that is important to save, especially natural resources and products that come from them. [1/11 definitions]
well2 a deep hole dug in the ground to get water, oil, gas, or other natural resources. [2/4 definitions]
wig a head covering made of natural or artificial hair, worn to cover one's own hair.
wild living in a natural state; not tamed. [2/7 definitions]
wilderness a region in its natural state where there are things like trees and wild animals, but no people living there.
wildflower a wild, flowering plant that grows in meadows, woods, or other natural areas.