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Children's Dictionary
official a person who holds an office in a business organization or a government. [2/4 definitions]
platform the stated ideas and goals of a political party or person running for public office. [1/3 definitions]
P.O.1 abbreviation of "post office."
police station the office of the police within a certain area.
politician a person who holds a government office. [1/2 definitions]
postmark a mark stamped on mail by the post office. A postmark cancels the stamp on a piece of mail and shows the date and place of mailing. [1/2 definitions]
postmaster the person in charge of a post office.
post office an office or building where mail is received and sorted and where stamps are sold. [1/2 definitions]
presidency the office, length of service, and jobs of a president.
president-elect a person who has been elected president but has not yet taken office.
presidential of or relating to the person or office of a president.
primary an early election in the United States, where members of each political party vote for a candidate to run for office in the general election. [1/3 definitions]
principal's office the office of the head of a school, where decisions concerning the school are made and where discipline is sometimes carried out or decided on. The principal's office is also a place where students can wait during school hours for someone to pick them up if they need to go home for some reason.
rank1 an office or position. [1/6 definitions]
reception a British word for the place where you report your arrival and are greeted at a hotel or office. A "reception" is usually called a "reception desk" in the US. [1/6 definitions]
receptionist an office worker employed primarily to greet visitors, take telephone calls, and answer routine questions.
run to seek office in an election. [2/30 definitions]
running mate a candidate running for a less important office than the one for which the fellow candidate is running.
-ship a suffix that means "office" or "position." [1/3 definitions]
stapler a tool in a home or office that uses staples to attach papers together.
telecommuting the doing of work at home by using a computer and sending this work back to the office by electronic means.