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Children's Dictionary
enable to give means or power to; make able; allow.
enemy a state or power that hates or fights another. [1/3 definitions]
energy the power or ability to make something work or be active. [2/3 definitions]
fate the power that is often believed to decide what will happen in human life or history. [2/3 definitions]
figurehead a person whose title sounds important but who has no real power. [1/2 definitions]
figure out to find an answer to a problem or puzzling question by using the power of the mind.
force power, energy, or physical strength. [4/6 definitions]
forceful having power, force, or effectiveness.
genius a person who has such power. [1/2 definitions]
get to come under the power of; catch. [1/10 definitions]
giant a person or thing of very great size, strength, power, or importance. [1/3 definitions]
government the group of people that has this power and authority. [1/3 definitions]
grasp the power of holding, understanding, or controlling. [1/4 definitions]
helpless without power or control. [1/2 definitions]
hold1 the power to keep control over. [1/13 definitions]
horsepower a unit of energy equal to 746 watts or the energy needed to lift 550 pounds in one second, used in measuring the power of engines. (abbreviated: hp)
imagination the act or power of the mind to form a thought, picture, or image of something or someone that is not present to the senses.
inability lack of ability or power to do something.
incapable not having the ability or power that is needed; not able. [1/2 definitions]
in charge having the power and responsibility for making decisions.
influence the power or invisible action of a thing or person that causes some kind of effect on another. [2/3 definitions]