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Children's Dictionary
experienced knowing a lot about something as a result of practice or experience.
farming the business or practice of raising crops and livestock.
fencing the art, sport, or practice of fighting with swords.
hygiene the practice of keeping clean to stay healthy and prevent disease.
hype an instance or practice of creating interest in by exaggeration. [1/2 definitions]
improvise to make up while one is performing; perform without planning or practice. [1/2 definitions]
inexperienced without the knowledge or skill that comes from practice or long life; not experienced.
laboratory a place for science students to experiment, make observations, and practice scientific techniques, or a place equipped with special technology for various students to use as an aid to learning. [1/3 definitions]
magic of, concerning, or used in the practice of magic. [1/4 definitions]
medical of or having to do with the study or practice of medicine.
metronome a device that marks a regular period of time with a clicking sound. A metronome can be set at different speeds and is used by musicians to keep time during practice.
mime the art or practice of telling a story or acting out a dramatic or comical scene by means of hand and body movements rather than speaking; pantomime. [1/2 definitions]
navigation the act or practice of setting a course for or finding one's way to a destination, especially by ship, aircraft, or other vehicle; the act or practice of navigating. [1/2 definitions]
photography the art or practice of taking and making photographs.
political having to do with the study or practice of politics, politicians, or government.
politics the activities or practice of leaders in government. [1/3 definitions]
practical able to be used or put into practice; useful. [1/3 definitions]
pursue to spend time doing; work at; practice. [1/2 definitions]
range an area used for practice in shooting. [1/8 definitions]
registered nurse a nurse who has completed training and who has a license to practice nursing. In order to receive a license, nurses must pass an examination given by a state government.
rehearse to practice for a show, play, concert, or other performance.