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Children's Dictionary
question a matter that is in doubt or not certain; problem. [1/5 definitions]
reasoning the process of using one's logical abilities to come to a conclusion about something, to make a decision, or to solve a problem.
researcher one who does careful, dedicated study of something in order to gain information about it or solve a problem.
riddle1 any question, problem, person, or thing that is difficult to figure out. [1/2 definitions]
solution the act or process of solving a problem or question. [2/4 definitions]
tack a way of dealing with a problem. [1/4 definitions]
take the bull by the horns to handle a difficult problem in a direct manner, even if one is afraid.
traffic jam a slowing down or stopping of the flow of traffic due to there being too many vehicles trying to move through or there being an accident or other problem on the road.
weakness a personal problem; defect. [1/3 definitions]
woe trouble or problem. [1/2 definitions]