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injury a particular wound or other physical problem caused by damage, such as a cut, a broken bone, or a burn. [1/2 definitions]
innovation An innovation is a new way of doing something or a new thing that has been created to solve a problem or make something better.
issue An issue is something that is important to people and that people are talking about. At a town meeting, people talk about different issues that matter to them. An issue is sometimes a thing that people are upset about or something that needs deciding. Sometimes an issue is a problem that needs to be solved. [1/2 definitions]
key1 A key to something is a thing that helps you solve a problem or get what you want. [1/5 definitions]
kink a small problem that does not allow something to work well. [1/4 definitions]
lisp a speech problem in which "s" is pronounced like the "th" sound in "thick" and "z" is pronounced like the "th" sound in "this." [1/2 definitions]
matter If you ask "What's the matter?" you want to know what the problem or trouble is. [1/4 definitions]
measure A measure is something that is done in order to solve a problem. When you take measures to catch a mouse, it means that you do something to catch the mouse. [1/6 definitions]
medical Something "medical" has to do with the things that doctors and nurses do and study. For example, a medical problem is a problem with the body that needs the help of a doctor or nurse. A medical treatment is a way of helping someone recover from an injury or illness.
mess up To "mess up" means to ruin or cause something to go wrong with a something. If a snowstorm messes up your plan to go to a party, it ruins or causes a problem for your plan. If you mess up your chance to do something, you ruin your chance. You do something that causes you to lose that chance. [1/2 definitions]
overcome When you overcome something, you solve it or win against it. When you overcome a problem, you solve or get over the problem. [1/3 definitions]
patch When you patch something, you repair it, but you do it in a way that might not look right or solve the problem for a long time. [1/6 definitions]
plumber A plumber is a person whose job is to work on pipes that carry water through buildings. If there is a problem with a sink or toilet, or if water is leaking from some pipe in a building, people usually call a plumber.
plus When we talk about a "plus sign," we are talking about a mark (+) that shows addition. If there is a plus sign in a number problem, it means you have to add the numbers together. [1/5 definitions]
potential If something is a potential problem, then it is possible that it will become a problem. If something is a potential danger, then it is a thing that could possibly cause harm. If someone is a potential friend, then they are the type of person that you could possibly become friends with. [1/3 definitions]
practically If someone is thinking practically about how to solve a problem, then they are thinking about ways to solve it that can really be carried out or that really must be carried out even if they are difficult or not pleasant to do. If someone is NOT thinking practically about a problem, they might be thinking of solutions that cost money that they don't have or take too much time or really are impossible to carry out. [1/2 definitions]
prickly If a problem is prickly, it's hard to solve. It's often complicated, and it may involve people who have different feelings about it. [1/2 definitions]
problem When there is a problem, something is not right or good. When we have a problem, we can't do something that we need to do or we can't have something the way we want it. Problems make life difficult. If there is too much noise in your house and you can't study, it is a problem for you. If your mom or dad is very sick, it is a big problem for your family. [2 definitions]
program a plan for solving a problem. [1/7 definitions]
puzzle a toy or problem that is solved by using thought or by rearranging letters, words, numbers, or objects. [1/4 definitions]
question a matter to be discussed. [1/5 definitions]