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Children's Dictionary
construction something that is put together or built; building or structure. [1/3 definitions]
contrast a difference that one can see when things are compared or put side by side. [1/4 definitions]
conventional put in place by custom or use; traditional.
corner to put in an uncomfortable or difficult position. [1/5 definitions]
correction something right put in place of something wrong. [1/3 definitions]
cover to put or spread something over or on. [1/7 definitions]
crush to put down or defeat without question. [1/5 definitions]
dab1 to put on with light patting touches. [1/5 definitions]
defer1 to not do until later; put off; delay.
delay to put off until a later time. [1/6 definitions]
deposit to put down or place. [2/7 definitions]
design a plan or outline showing how something is to be built or carried out, or the way that something is put together or appears in the end because of the way it was planned. [1/5 definitions]
diesel engine a type of engine that burns fuel oil. Diesel engines are different from most car engines, which use an electric spark to ignite the fuel. In a diesel engine, the fuel is sprayed into a chamber and set on fire by the heat of air that has been put under high pressure. Big trucks have diesel engines.
dip to put into a liquid briefly. [1/8 definitions]
discontinue to stop or put an end to.
dish up to put (food) into a dish in order to serve.
dislocate to put out of proper place.
dispense to carry out or put into operation. [1/2 definitions]
display anything put out in order to be seen by others. [1/6 definitions]
disturb to upset or put in disorder. [1/3 definitions]
don2 to put on; dress oneself in.