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Children's Dictionary
sun the star in the middle of our solar system. The earth and other planets revolve around it and receive heat and light from it. [1/5 definitions]
take a bow to come forward or stand up to receive applause, recognition, or praise.
televise to broadcast or receive by television.
trick or treat a custom practiced at Halloween in which children visit their neighbors and say the words "trick or treat" in order to receive a treat such as candy. [1/2 definitions]
tune in to adjust to receive TV or radio signals from a certain station, or to select from a number of programs.
undergo to have the experience of; receive; endure.
unequal less than or not as good as what others receive. [1/3 definitions]
ventricle either of the two lower compartments of the heart. Ventricles receive blood from the upper compartments, called atria, and pump it to the lungs and throughout the body.
welcome to receive with pleasure and friendliness. [3/8 definitions]