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Children's Dictionary
hawthorn a shrub or small tree with long thorns that has white or pink flowers and small red berries.
holly a type of bush or tree with small white flowers, red berries, and shiny green leaves with sharp, pointed edges. [1/2 definitions]
indigo a plant with red or purple flowers from which this dye comes. [1/3 definitions]
inflammation a small area of tissue that is hot, red, swollen, and sore because of infection or injury.
Irish setter a breed of dog. Irish setters have long red hair and a silky coat.
irritate to make sore, red, or raw; inflame. [1/2 definitions]
ketchup a thick red sauce for meat or potatoes made with tomatoes and spices.
ladybird the British word for a small, round beetle that is red or orange with black spots. "Ladybird" has the same meaning as "ladybug."
ladybug a small, round beetle that is red or orange with black spots. Ladybugs eat aphids and other insects that are harmful to plants.
lichen a living thing that is a fungus and a form of algae or special bacteria living together. The algae or the bacteria use photosynthesis to make food for the fungus. There are many kinds of lichens with different colors, such as green, gray, black, or red. They can look like scales, crusts, or branches. Lichens live on rocks and other places where there is no soil.
litmus paper a small strip of treated paper used in chemistry. Litmus paper turns red in an acid and blue in a base.
loganberry the large, dark red fruit of the loganberry plant. It is somewhat like the blackberry. [1/2 definitions]
magenta the color that comes from mixing red and purple paint.
marigold a garden plant that bears yellow, orange, or red and yellow blossoms.
maroon1 having a dark brownish-red color.
Mars the seventh largest planet in the solar system and fourth in distance from the sun. Mars is known as "the red planet" because of its unusual color. [1/2 definitions]
measles (used with a singular or plural verb) a very contagious disease that causes a fever and red spots on the skin. Measles usually affects children and does not last a long time.
nasturtium a kind of garden plant that grows close to the ground and has bright yellow, orange, or red flowers. Nasturtium leaves and flowers can be eaten.
orange the color of this fruit when ripe; the color between red and yellow on the color spectrum. [1/4 definitions]
orangutan a large ape that lives in the rain forests of a few south Asian islands. Orangutans have long, red-brown fur and long arms. They spend most of their time in trees. They are a kind of primate. Orangutans are endangered.
panda a mammal that has red-brown fur and a long, bushy tail with rings on it. They are closely related to giant pandas, but are smaller and look more like a raccoon. They are also called red pandas or lesser pandas, and they live in southern Asia. [1/2 definitions]