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come When you tell a dog to come, it means you want the dog to run or walk to the place where you are. If your mom tells you to come home, it means she wants you to leave where you are and walk or ride home. [1/5 definitions]
commute to ride or drive a long distance to and from work or school. [1/2 definitions]
cowboy a man who herds and takes care of cattle. Cowboys work on ranches and often ride horses.
cowgirl a woman who herds and takes care of cattle. Cowgirls work on ranches and often ride horses.
elect When you elect to do something, you choose or decide from among different things that you could do. When you elect to ride the bus to school, it means that you make a decision to take the bus to school rather than go some other way. When you elect to do something, it is often an important choice that is reported to other people. [1/2 definitions]
fare the price paid to ride on a bus, train, taxi, or airplane, or a passenger who pays this price. [1/2 definitions]
farther If your house is farther from school than your friend's house, it means that the distance from your house to school is longer than from your friend's house to school. Maybe your friend can walk to school, but you have to ride the bus. [1/2 definitions]
Ferris wheel a ride at a carnival or amusement park made of a very large upright wheel with seats hanging from the rim. A motor turns the wheel while people sit in the seats.
fire truck a large truck that firefighters ride in to go to a fire and that carries the things firefighters need to put out fires; fire engine.
float A float is a platform on wheels that is covered with decorations. Floats are usually seen in a parade. Sometimes people ride on a float and wave to the people watching. [1/3 definitions]
free When you ride free on a bus, it means that you ride without having to pay. [1/14 definitions]
fuselage the body of an airplane. The engines, wings, and tail are attached to the fuselage. The passengers, cargo, and crew ride in the fuselage.
gallop to ride a horse at full speed. [1/3 definitions]
gentle When hills are gentle, they are not steep. They are easy to ride or walk up. [1/4 definitions]
helicopter A helicopter is a machine that people can ride in the air. A helicopter has large, long blades attached to its top. When the blades spin around very fast, they lift the helicopter straight up into the air and allow it to move along above the ground.
hitchhike to try to get, or to get, a free ride in a vehicle.
horseback When you ride horseback, you ride on a horse.
jockey A jockey is a person whose job is to ride horses in races.
knight A long time ago, a knight was a man who fought for a king or other person of high rank. A knight always rode a horse when he fought in battle. Becoming a knight was not easy. A young man had to train hard to learn how to use a sword and ride a horse.
lift a ride given to a person who is traveling on foot. [1/9 definitions]
lope to trot or run gracefully and easily with long steps; to ride a horse at this gait. [1/2 definitions]