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Children's Dictionary
blind to cause to lose sight for a short time or permanently. [1/7 definitions]
blog a journal posted on a website that someone regularly write entries in. When people have a blog, they write about personal experiences or opinions, or about particular topics they have special knowledge of or are interested in. The word "blog" is a short form of "Web log."
board short form of "blackboard," "chalkboard," or "whiteboard." [1/8 definitions]
bob2 a style of short haircut for women and children. [2/4 definitions]
bobcat a wild cat with red-brown fur, tufted ears, and a short tail. Bobcats are about twice the size of a house cat. They are a kind of lynx and live in southern Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Bobcats are carnivorous mammals.
bow tie a short necktie tied in a simple, flat bow.
boxer a breed of dog. Boxers have short hair, a square jaw, and a brown coat. [1/2 definitions]
brand-new having come into being a very short time ago, or having just been bought. [1/2 definitions]
breve a mark ( ˇ ). A breve is placed over a vowel to indicate that the vowel is short.
brief short in length of time. [4/5 definitions]
briefly in a way that is not lengthy; for a short time.
bristle a short, stiff hair on an animal. [1/4 definitions]
brush1 a quick, light touch or short encounter. [1/6 definitions]
bulldog a breed of dog. Bulldogs are powerful dogs with short legs, short hair, and very strong, square jaws.
bunny (informal) an animal with long ears, a short tail, and soft fur; a young rabbit.
bye1 a short, informal way of saying good-bye. People often say "bye" when they are leaving each other or when they are finished talking on the telephone.
call a short visit. [1/10 definitions]
cat1 a small, furry mammal with whiskers, short ears, and a long tail. Cats, also called house cats, are often kept as pets or to catch mice and rats. [1/2 definitions]
catalog an organized list of things such as book titles, goods for sale, or other items. Catalogs usually give a short description of each item on the list. [1/2 definitions]
chair a short form of "chairman" or "chairperson." [1/2 definitions]
charter to hire for a short time. [1/4 definitions]